The first TIP ❤️ I vaguely remember searching around on IG for hours that first day and finding this image from jeweler @earth_to_chandra and sending her a message to ask if I could share it (with credit to her) I just love that she was down even though I was at THE VERY BEGINNING of my mission! - “Not getting a stone stuck in a bezel. Simply thread some floss underneath the stone (in this case she is creating a setting for a unique piece of elk ivory) then you have something to pull the stone out in case it gets stuck, before you are ready to set it. Which is 😵 when that happens. Anyone have other techniques they use to ensure a stone does not get stuck while testing their bezel fit? Share it with us!” Thank you again for letting me share this, you were all about that #communityovercompetition For those newer to the page, ANYONE is welcome to share a tip! The page would not be what it is without you all! The best way to get in touch is an email ( including your pics and/or video and a written caption!! Also if you shared a tip in the past and I never responded or we talked about it but I still haven’t posted please feel free to reach out again! I have a much better system of saving future posts now ☺️ #metalsmithsociety #stonesetting #stonesettingprocess #bezelsetting #bezelsettingprocess #jewelrymaking #jewelrystudent #jewelrymakingtechniques