Here is a tip if you use prefabricated chains that come with a jumpring that looks a little wonky (top photo) I replace the jumpring and solder. While soldering I protect my chain with heat protectant so it doesn’t accidentally melt or solder. I typically use medium solder but if a chain is particularly fragile I might use easy solder. Then I clean up the jumpring with an AdvantEdge wheel! You have to be ✨extremely✨ careful when polishing something with a chain on a flexshaft, you don’t want to catch the chain in the rotation of your mandrel and have it get wrapped around. You could injure yourself and damage your piece. Always wear safety goggles as well! Just something to consider and you can definitely hold the jumpring in a ring clamp or clothes pin with the chain tucked or tapped safely. Paying attention to the small details like making sure all your jumprings look as good as possible can elevate your work as a jeweler 👊✨ #METALSMITHSOCIETY #jewelrycommunity #jewelrytipoftheday #payattentiontothedetails