Here is a tip for creating a split shank ring from @la_soucique_studio - “I have always had trouble getting split shanks symmetrical. Until a few months ago when I ordered a thicker double half-round wire. Gotta use it, right? It makes split shank fabrication so much easier - and if you saw following the line, you can hardly go wrong. Start with @riogrande double half-round wire (item #102005). I measure out my ring size, snip the wire and then mark about 1/2 inch (10mm) from each end. This is the mark to tell me when to stop sawing down the middle of the wire, and to help me make sure that each split will be the same length. I use my flat nose pliers to flare each split out - the wire is soft enough to not require annealing. Finally, I bend into a ring shape and file as needed to be attached to a bezel cup. It saves sooo much time and looks properly nice. Enjoy!” yasssss 🙌✨ thank you so much for sharing this with us! Someone had asked about this (admittedly over a month ago 🤦♀️) but we finally made it happen!! If there is something you are struggling with maybe comment below! No judgement and maybe one of us can come up with a tip to help! ❤️ #metalsmithsociety #jewelrytipoftheday #splitshankring