Here is a #diy tool for lifting a bezel to remove a stone from @jennypumpy - “For repair jobs that require using a torch the first step is to remove any stones. If stones are not removed they will shatter under the heat! Removing a stone is an extremely delicate job so it’s funny my tool of choice for this task is an old, worn out xacto knife 😂 the thin part of the blade helps fit between the silver of the bezel and the stone, then you gently lift. Don’t go fast! This is where you might damage the stone by trying to lift too much silver. Work around the stone evenly, lifting more silver each time. Having used this blade many times it’s become more flexible & slightly curved making this the 🌟 golden tool for the job 🌟 I’ve had many mishaps practicing stone removals and this is what I’ve found works best for me! A light hand and lots of patience 🦋” Thank you so much for sharing this with us! #jewelersbench #metalsmithsociety #benchtips