Here are some fabulous tips for successful sawing from @cabrinachanningsilverworks - “First remember to breathe slowly and deeply and sit up straight. .
It’s very important to hold your saw with a loose grip, you should be able to wiggle your fingers to check your grip at any time. The saw will work it’s way through the metal, you don’t push the blade through the metal. Slow and easy.
Cut sharp corners by coming at them from two different directions. You’ll make more cuts overall but your corners will be left nice and sharp!
The finer the sawblade, the less you’ll need to file afterwards. 8/o blades need little to no filing afterwards because they leave a smooth edge. .
Try to cut it right the first time, it’s better to use your saw to make corrections than have to use files afterwards (in my opinion) sawblades are basically a really tiny file, if you angle your saw and gently scrape the metal you can file your tiny inside cuts that are too small for jewelers files.” SO much excellent advice and two videos showing some great sawing! Hopefully this helps folks with this month’s #metalsmithchallenge which has a theme of “Elaborate Sawing”. Challenge yourself to saw out something super intricate! 🙌 #Metalsmith #metalsmithsociety #sawingjewelry #jewelrymakingtips