Here is a DIY mandrel holder from @dangbravegirl<br><br>“ I got tired of trying to find secure ways to hold my mandrel while sizing, texturing or shaping. It’s hard to hold it in one hand and use the other to work with and vises never seem to hold it right.
This DIY was very simple....I measured the size holes I would need to fit my ring mandrel(s) and drilled out some holes on a scrap piece of wood (2x4 is perfect).
I screwed that under the lip of my work bench (I don’t have a traditional jewelers bench), which is just a old farm table I converted into my main bench.
The wood is recessed enough to not stick out or be in the way.
I just pop the mandrel in the hole and both hands are free to work! Simple things like this are huge.... and it didn’t cost me a thing. ”
Thank you so much for sharing this with us Jaime! It’s such a great idea and once you make it you get years and years of use out of it!!!
Have you ever modified a tool, or your work space?!? We want to see it and feature you! Email me over at<br><br>#diyjewelrytools #jewelrytoolmodifications # jewelrymakingstudio #jewelersworkshop #ringmandrel