Jump ring soldering tip from @willowandtwigg - “Little realisations that make life so much easier! ⚒️
I do a LOT of jump ring soldering for various designs in my collections, and used to just lay them out on the soldering block. But in doing this I always ended up with a flat section under the solder join that had to be sanded away after.
Then it occurred to me that if I lay the rings so that the join is just over the edge of the block, I could get a smoother and neater result with a lot less tidying up required afterwards.
It may not seem like a big difference, but when you solder as many jump rings as I do then those precious few seconds soon turn into hours saved!
Oh, and I use paste solder for this kind of task - it may be more expensive than other forms of solder, but it more than makes up for that extra cost by being clean, quick and so much easier! Plus it stays put when you bring the flame in. Just don’t fire it directly or it may incinerate before it has a chance to flow.
Let me know if you do something similar or have any other tips for this stage of the process.
The torch I’m using here is the Dremel Versatip.” Thanks for sharing this with us Kelly!! We need community submitted tips like these! If you have a tip you’d like to share please email me at tips@metalsmithsociety.com we appreciate you!! #soldering #dremeltorch #solderingjewelry