Here is a tip for folks using a Crock Pot for their pickle from @willowandtwigg -“The answer to a question I get asked often! ⚒️
I originally made this reel at the beginning of last year, but as so many of you have queried the glass jar in my slow-cooker I thought I’d share it again!
A couple of extra observations I’ve made since then…
Firstly, if you use a larger crock pot then you may well fit more than one jar in, so you can keep them separate for different metals.
The condition of my slow-cooker is not as pristine now, and the lid has rusted quite badly around the rim. However, because the pickle itself is in the jar, there’s no contamination issues from moisture running off the lid and depositing corroded steel particles into the solution.
Other points to note!
• If you choose to do this, remember to keep an eye on the water levels in both the jar and the dish and top them up regularly; it evaporates quite quickly.
• Be careful when doing so and always match the temp of the new water to that of the existing contents. If you add cold water around a hot jar, or vice versa, the glass is likely to crack with the shock.
I use a 1.5L slow cooker, with a 500ml glass jar inside. The ‘Tala’ mason-style ones fit perfectly and are still wide and deep enough to cover a large bangle.
And although it should go without saying, don’t ever try and pick up or touch the inner glass jar if the unit’s been on for a while. That thing gets HOT! 🙃” Thank you for letting me share this!! #picklepot #makingjewelry #jewelrytipoftheday