COMMENT including the words “beach treasures” and I’ll DM a link of these awesome diamond core drill bits from<br><br>Shoutouts to the amazingly talented @alliekeastjewelry who taught me all about making jewelry with beach treasures when I took her class at @metalwerxstudio<br><br>Tips for drilling sea glass:
-Go slow, drilling too fast can crack your glass
-The dust isn’t good to breathe! Wear a mask, dust collector. I dabbed mine on a wet wash cloth this also helped contain the dust. Side note, this glass did not even get hot, larger pieces can and some people use a shallow dish of water. The water dish can also help collect dust! 🙌
-Get creative! You can glue or rivet additional stone settings, stamped words, or decorative pieces like this star from @haroldstudio<br><br>Who is ready to make some treasures! My kiddos are going to LOVE this!<br><br>#sponsored #jewelrymakingcommunity #seaglassjewelry #seaglass #rhodeislandbeaches #beachtreasures #jewelrymakingtips #rivetedjewelry