Here is a tip when working with multiple bezels at once from @mineralandmine - “When working on a number of bezels or designs at once, get yourself organized to prevent mistakes! I learned this awesome planning technique from my metalsmithing classes with @denverjewelrystudio. Map your designs on paper and number each one. When making your bezels, use a scribe tool to write the design number inside the bezel wall. Etch the number across from your bezel seam so that solder doesn't flow over it and cover it up. This number can also be used as a reference to orient which size of the bezel wall is "up" so you don't solder your bezel onto your backplate upside down! The hand-drawn 'design map' can be used all the way to product completion, noting costs, silver weight, stone type, stone vendor, final price, etc. I often reference back to old design maps when recreating a similar style or looking up past costs, prices, etc.” So many helpful tips here!! Thank you so much for sharing!! #bezelsetting #makingbezels #stonesetting #jewelrymaking