Here is a shot plate demo from @moonandforge - “Using a shot plate is so easy!
Step 1: melt your metal into a ball - average it just slightly larger than the shot form
Step 2: place your metal ball into the shot plate form and cover it with painter's tape to keep it in place
Step 3: take out your aggression for 2020 on that sucker with a heavy steel or brass hammer
Step 4: when the hammered part of the metal is flat, lift the tape and your sweet little shot piece will lift right out
Step 5: file or cut away any excess flashing around the shot form and throw it into your scrap/recycle bin.
That's it! Hope this helps you to add cute embellishments to your work.” Thank you so much for letting me share this it is very helpful for people like myself who have never used a shot plate! #usingashotplate #makingjewelry