Here is a great storage solution for wire - “For the longest time, I was using those Sterlite plastic drawer towers to house my wires. But I didn’t have enough drawers to separate each gauge so a few spools would sit in the same drawer and would always get caught on one another when I’d go to pull one out! So, I decided to house my wire in hanging file folders! Since the spools are pretty flat, you can fit so many different types in the box! I tagged the tops of the folders with the metal type and gauge. I also put a circle, square or rectangle to denote the shape of the wire. I attached the gold-filled tags on the left and the sterling silver tags on the right to make it a little easier to locate when I go to grab the wire. I also put the wire in plastic sheet protectors to help protect from oxidation. Got the hanging folders and bin for them at Target! Big thanks to Corkie for allowing me to share! I love this community and have learned so much from you all!” Thank YOU Sarah 😃❤️ It was so clever how you also drew the shape of the wire on the tab! Thank you so much for taking the time to send and for your kind words as well! I am definitely going to use this tip, sometimes the heavier wire is harder to keep inside a binder so this is perfect for that! #storage #jewelrystudio #wirestorage #storagetips