Here is a storage tip from @pohpohcito - “Bought a roll of 🧲 magnetic strip🧲 with adhesive backing. It's great for turning any surface on your bench into, (duh) a magnetic one!
Super handy for organizing the small mandrils jewelers use for sanding disks and rubber wheels. It's also good for keeping track of different size saw blades and teeny tiny drill bits 🔎🔎.
I stuck it on the front of my bench and the top of my jeweler's lamp 💡.
If the jewelry gremlins 👹 always keep your shop super dusty too, remember to WIPE DOWN ALL SURFACES WITH RUBBING ALCOHOL FIRST. This will ensure a clean surface for the adhesive to bond to.
This strip works well enough, but if I were to do it again I would look for a brand with stronger magnetization. Comment below if you know a better brand to use and if this tip helps!” Thank you Alex! I love this! We appreciate you taking the time to send! Super easy to install and inexpensive :) If magnetized tools are bothering you head over to and search “demagnetizer”. I love magnetized storage and when I do need to demagnetize I have a tool for it! #metalsmithsocietyshare #jewelersbench