Here is a technique for reviving a rusty hammer from @hkmjewelry - “I found this super cool vintage auto body hammer with some interesting curves. Rusted as HELL. I could have done a better job with the coarse sanding - Stuck it in a vise and sanded away. Started with 240, then 400 and then 600, cross hatching my direction of sanding as if it were my jewelry pieces. This sandpaper I designated for steel tools only. Next I took it to the buff - I am not 100% sure what compound I use for steel - I was given a mixed lot of buffing consumables from a retired jeweler and nothing had labels so I just did some tests and designated a mild buffing compound as step one, and a finer compound as step two for all my steel only finishing. I will be going back over these steps again as it's not quite up to par for my liking, as you can see the pitting is still visible on the surface. The pitting will attract moisture more readily and will start the rusting process all over again much quicker than with a fully mirrored surface.” Hali thank you so much for sending! While it can take some serious elbow grease being able to revive a tool is such an important skill to have! We appreciate you sending!! #rustytools #tipsforrust #removingrust #jewelrymaking #metalsmithsocietyshare