For this week’s #tooltalktuesday I am showing the AGILO Diamond Grinding Wheel from our friends @ottofrei1930 (part 110.101) this is a really handy wheel to use with your flex shaft that lets you grind and shape all types of carbide, HSS and steel tools. You can use a wheel like this to change the shape, or reshape when tools get all messed up like these tweezers. Diamond wheels like this last a really long time and don’t wear down like silicone or pumice. I hope this is helpful!! Using code MMSZ will save you a little off your order and Otto Frei will give a little back to the page which keeps me going! 😄 Also it should always be said this is just one way to do this, there are many other ways like even using sandpaper and elbow grease that will get you similar results. ☺️#diamondwheel #agilo #flexshaft #tweezers #jewelrytools