Here is a tip for rusty tools from @makeitwithkim -
“RUST 😫 So much rust! Rust is the bane of a Jewellers life. If you don't keep your tools covered in oil, they rust.
If you do cover them in oil, they contaminate the jewellery you're working on and you drop heavy, oil slicked tools on your toes!
However, this much rust isn't normal. Unfortunately earlier in the year I didn't realise a student had whacked my tea urn up and it was left, on maximum boil for hours. When I went in the outhouse after the session, it honestly looked like someone had been in there with a hose. Everything was completely saturated.
There was so much water dripping from the ceiling I thought the roof must be leaking but it hadn't been raining. This was the result. All my metal tools turned bright orange with a lovely coating of rust 😣
I'd been putting off fixing these tools but if you leave it too long, rust will eat into metal so it was time to tackle them.
Did you know vinegar removes rust? White, distilled vinegar is best but I only had malt and it worked a treat.
I soaked everything for a couple of hours, then rinsed the tools in a baking soda water solution to neutralise the vinegars acidity.
I've wipped everything over with '3 in 1 tool oil' and I'm going to store everything in oil soaked pillow cases to minimise rust in the future.
Everything still needs a little more TLC but since the stormy weather's moved in, I'm calling it a day for now!” Kim thank you thank you for these amazing before and after shots! We appreciate you so much! #removingrust #rustytools