Keum-Boo tips from Erica of @ericabellojewelry shot just for us 🙏 - “My secret weapon in Keum-boo, a brass brush. The most important part of the keum-boo process is having two pure metals to bond together. If you’re using sterling silver you will need to depletion gild it, which involves heating the silver and pickling it repeatedly to remove the copper molecules. Be sure to brass brush in-between each pickling for two reasons. First, it helps burnish down the layer of fine silver you’re creating. Second, it’s easier to tell when your metal has reached the right temperature during heating. Once it has reached temperature, the shiny burnished surface will go matte. When the piece turns a snowy white when heated, that’s when you’re ready. I also use a brass brush after applying the gold foil. Lightly brushing the surface while it’s still hot helps to make sure everything is bonded permanently.” Thank you so much! I love seeing the depletion gilding process in action. We appreciate you taking the time to capture! 🙏🙌 #depletiongilding #jewelrymaking #keumboo #keumboojewelry #keumbootechnique #keumbootip