Collect your metal dust with this awesome tip from Liz of @rustycreekdesigns - “I have silver dust everywhere, as I am sure all of us metalsmiths do! I had been trying to use a paint brush to gather up all the dust on my bench, but it never got it all. I purchased this desk vacuum off of Amazon and it is amazing! I don’t think I have ever had this clean of bench AND I am collecting ALL the silver for some extra cash!
ODISTAR Desktop Vacuum Cleaner, Mini Table Dust Sweeper off of Amazon.” This video made me so happy, I love a cleaning tip rolled into a refining tip rolled into a fun gadget that isn’t too expensive tip ($14) no matter how you do it make sure you collect that dust friends! 🙌 #minivacuumcleaner #jewelersbench #jewelertipsandtricks